Soma School
An equipping environment where missional community moves from theory to experience.
Through Soma School, we equip women and men, leaders, church planters, and staff to not only know the theory and theology of everyday mission, but in how to actually live and lead a church of missional communities.
What is Soma School?
Instead of talking theoretically about “missional community,” we put people in an environment to experience and taste and see. Every participant stays in the home of a missional community leader—they see their life and they get welcomed into it. They’re immersed in a gospel fluent environment. They participate in everyday mission.
We’re not a movement of information transfer, but of transformation. This isn’t a conference, but an experience within a gospel-rich community on mission.
All the details
The Story of God: You will see the Bible and the redemptive, restorative work of God as you discover the gospel at work throughout the whole biblical narrative. You will also learn how to communicate and teach in dialogical methods.
Identity & Rhythms: What is the Church? How should we live? Soma churches are formed around the gospel, our new identity in Jesus, and the rhythms in which He and His followers lived. We will dig deep into these realities.
Building a Missional Community: We will discuss how we live in communities of people who are united around a common mission, and how these communities are local expressions of Jesus and His Church in the world, who live out the gospel in all ways.
Gatherings: You will gather with the Soma family in missional communities and larger gatherings, and spend time just being with us in community.
Gospel Fluency: Soma School is as much about what God wants to do in you through the power of the gospel as it is about equipping you to lead a church of missional communities. We press into gospel practices so you experience them personally, even as you are being equipped to develop others in the gospel.
Since we’re opening up our lives to share what we’re learning, not putting on a conference, space is limited. To steward these limited resources well, our goal is to see Soma School be very effective for equipping church planters and pastors toward leading churches that make disciples in missional communities in the everyday. Ideal applicants are lead planters or lead pastors who bring along with them one or two key leaders (three max from one church team).
The Soma School program is designed for adults.
Soma School occurs over four days, with an optional fifth day available in some locations, for those in or pursuing church-wide leadership.
Please apply only if you can make it for 100% of Soma School.
Choose ONE out of these three:
Read Saturate by Jeff Vanderstelt -OR-
Attend a Saturate EveryDay event -OR-
Work through the Saturate Field Guide by Jeff Vanderstelt and Ben Connelly.
AND ONE out of these three:
Read Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt -OR-
Attend a Saturate Gospel Fluency event -OR-
Work through the Gospel Fluency Handbook by Jeff Vanderstelt and Ben Connelly.
*Some Soma School sites have different reading list; we’ll be in touch with specifics once you are accepted to a specific site
The cost is $700 per person, including a non-refundable $200 deposit. (If you bring a spouse, add only $175 more.) The deposit is required to confirm your spot upon acceptance. The balance is due 30 days before the scheduled session.