Soma Adoption
Explore joining our network of churches.
The Soma Churches network is honored to welcome existing churches into relationship and ministry together as we make disciples, strengthen one another, and plant churches of Missional Communities toward gospel saturation.
The Adoption Process
The process of joining Soma Churches includes learning, discovering alignment, and developing relationships with other leaders. We look forward to getting to know you, celebrating your church’s strengths, and coming alongside you in areas of growth. Through this process you will spend time connecting with Soma churches and leaders. You will discover what it looks like to pursue missional disciple-making and explore whether your church is philosophically aligned with Soma. Your leadership team will receive coaching and will learn alongside one another to build unity and to identify your church’s strengths, areas of growth, and readiness to contribute to the Soma network.
The Soma Churches Adoption Process currently supports North America. If you are interested in being part of global work with Soma Churches, please visit the Global page on the Soma Churches website and complete the Connect form.
Within Soma Churches, relationships with one another are vital—we work together to plant churches, support leader and church health, and share our strengths with each other. Therefore, the first steps of this process are for your church leaders to get connected with Soma leaders from your geographical area and to familiarize yourself with Soma Values and Beliefs. You will be assigned an area-affirmed Sponsor who oversees the adoption process for you and your leadership team. We recommend attending a Soma School to immerse yourself in a church living out our values.
After a church’s leadership team is aligned with the values, expectations, and process of adoption, the next phase is to join a Soma Membership Cohort with the help of your Sponsor. Cohorts start every 3–6 months and run for 10–12 months, depending on the time of year. Each cohort is led by a trusted Soma leader who is capable of teaching and coaching you in Soma’s 10 Values. Core leadership in your church must participate in this learning process, and you have the option to invite other leaders to participate.
In this final phase, your Sponsor will lead your church through steps to review and affirm your church’s adoption into the Soma network. The Soma Area leadership team (including your Sponsor and several leaders in your area) will review the strengths and needs discussed throughout the coaching process, and during an on-site weekend will review your church’s strengths, areas of growth, and readiness. Upon the Soma Area Team’s recommendation, your church will be adopted into the Soma network, affirmed, and commissioned into our shared mission, vision, and values at a public gathering with your church. You will continue to walk with Soma, becoming a church who is supporting and sending teams to start new expressions, Missional Communities, Churches, Regions, and Areas.