A Global Family of Churches

To the ends of the earth and to all people.

We are becoming a missional family of churches that not only displays the gospel within our own neighborhoods but also to the ends of the earth.

We equip, resource, and foster the establishment of healthy families of churches that work together for the sake of gospel saturation in their cultural context.

Global Areas

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Soma Mexico

Soma Japan

Soma Australia

How we do it.

  • We believe our role in that movement is to equip disciples to live on mission, in community, and with gospel clarity through missional communities.

  • We believe our role is to resource pastors and church leaders with coaching, encouragement, and training that enables them to contextualize the gospel and mission.

  • We believe our role is to establish new families of churches (areas) where multiple churches in a nation work together and lead one another in care, growth, and mission. Could include things like:

Connect with us.